Determination of toxins in the fodder plant

Determination of toxins in the fodder plant

The analysis of the determination of toxins in the alfalfa plant was carried out by Rashad Maharramov, a specialist of the Animal Husbandry Scientific Research Institute, in the "Analysis of feeding, fodder and feed additives" laboratory.
1. The alfalfa plant is crushed and ground in a grinder;
2. The necessary amount is taken from the ground feed and weighed on a sensitive scale;
3-4. Then, a pre-prepared special solution is added to the taken feed;
5. The obtained mass is mixed in a vortex;
6. Then the feed is centrifuged;
7. After the feed is deposited in a centrifuge, the required amount is taken from the liquid part through a pipette and mixed with a special solution;
8-9. Then the cotton tip of the special kit is dipped in that solution and placed in the heater.
10. After 5 minutes, the kit is removed from the heater, the cotton part is peeled off.
11-12. The peeled part is placed in the scanner and scanned using the appropriate software.