The employee of the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry was awarded with an honorary decree

The employee of the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry was awarded with an honorary decree
By the Trade Union Committee of the Center for Agrarian Science and Innovations, head of the laboratory "Sericulture" of the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry, Associate Professor Mammadov Ghafar Mahmud oglu, PhD, in the field of sericulture in the Republic, especially in our country, effective research on new technologies to increase the yield of cocoons and raw silk of the mulberry silkworm, in the development of the institute he was awarded with an HONORARY DECREE in consideration of his services, 60 years of his birth and 35 years of scientific activity.

On behalf of our collective, we congratulate teacher Ghafar, we wish him long life, good health and success in his scientific activities!

Gafar Mahmud oglu Mammadov was born in 1961 in the village of Ustüpu, Ordubad district of Nakhchivan MR, in an intellectual family. In 1981, he entered the sericulture department of the Faculty of Plant Protection of AKTI (now ASAU), and in 1986 he graduated from that department with excellent and good grades. In 1989, he entered full-time post-graduate studies of the Az. ETİpekçilik Institute, and in 1991, he successfully completed the post-graduate studies. In 1996, he defended his dissertation at the F.A. Malikov Institute of Animal Husbandry and received a PhD in Technical Sciences. (a.e.f.d.) received a degree.

G.M. Mammadov's research on the selection, genetics, ecology and breeding of the mulberry silkworm further expanded and enriched his scope of scientific activity. Based on the results of his inbreeding on the mulberry silkworm, it is appropriate to use the I-IV generations of inbreeding in the selection-breeding work of the mulberry silkworm. In addition, he proposed the use of incrosses and topcrosses in the selection of mulberry silkworms, which allow to increase the efficiency of selection, actively worked towards the creation of new selection lines and breeds, the newly created Namazli 1, Namazli 2, Namazli 3, Ugur, Khayal, Ordubad-1 and was one of the creators of the Ordubad-2 breeds.

He is one of the co-authors of the methodical recommendation on the application of the new unit of measurement of productivity in sericulture, the quantity box, and the feeding technology developed on its basis.

He has been working on new technologies to increase the cocoon and raw silk productivity of mulberry silkworm in our country for a long time. The obtained results are given in the book "New technology in sericulture" written by the author.

G.M.Mammadov led the thematic topic conducted on the basis of the international agreement agreed for a period of 10 years, together with the Az. ETİPekchilik Institute and the Sofia Agricultural Academy of Bulgaria, with the experimental station of sericulture and agriculture.

In addition, Assoc. Q.M. Mammadov, since 2005, based on the decision and recommendation of the Executive Committee of the International Silk Association of the countries of the Black Sea, Caspian Sea and Central Asian region, scientific research work has been carried out on the new lines planned to be established from the CIS to Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Georgia.

According to the decision of the EAC of the Republic of Azerbaijan on February 9, 2000, he holds the title of senior researcher in the specialty "Breeding and breeding of agricultural animals".

He is the author of 30 scientific works and 3 books. "Inbreeding and payment of feed in mulberry silkworm", "New technology in sericulture" and "Information book of silkworms" written by the author were passed by the Scientific Council of Animal Husbandry Research Institute and recommended for publication. He actively participates in international scientific-practical conferences and trainings on sericulture, actively promotes the education of farmers. Currently, he continues his scientific work at Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry.