A commemorative event dedicated to the January 20 tragedy was held at the Animal Husbandry Scientific Research Institute

A commemorative event dedicated to the January 20 tragedy was held at the Animal Husbandry Scientific Research Institute

A commemorative event dedicated to the January 20 tragedy was held at the Animal Husbandry Scientific Research Institute.
The event was opened by the director of the institute, Mahir Hajiyev. He noted that the January 20 tragedy entered the history of the Azerbaijani people as the "Bloody January tragedy" and said that this massacre by the military policy of the Soviet state against the Azerbaijani people that night is the most serious crime committed against humanity in the history of our nation.
At the event, employees of the institute, Gafar Mammadov, Rashad Maharramov and Yusif Abdulazimov, made speeches about the January 20 tragedy.

A commemorative event dedicated to the January 20 tragedy was held at the Animal Husbandry Scientific Research InstituteA commemorative event dedicated to the January 20 tragedy was held at the Animal Husbandry Scientific Research InstituteA commemorative event dedicated to the January 20 tragedy was held at the Animal Husbandry Scientific Research InstituteA commemorative event dedicated to the January 20 tragedy was held at the Animal Husbandry Scientific Research InstituteA commemorative event dedicated to the January 20 tragedy was held at the Animal Husbandry Scientific Research Institute