Work on the project "Using Maralfalfa plant in the field of non-traditional feeding" is ongoing

Work on the project "Using Maralfalfa plant in the field of non-traditional feeding" is ongoing

Work on the project "Using Maralfalfa plant in the field of non-traditional feeding" presented by the Animal Husbandry Scientific Research Institute is ongoing. Within the framework of the project, experts invited from abroad - Pedro Alpredo Ricardo Avila, a specialist of the Dominican Republic "Semilleros Progreso Maralfalfa S.R.L" company and Yunus Emre Sabançi, a representative of the Turkish office of the company - as well as Sevil Abbasguliyeva, a specialist of the Agricultural Scientific Research Institute, visited the institute and held a meeting on the implementation of the project.
Later, the specialists were introduced to the material and technical base of the institute.
It should be noted that the project is planned to be implemented jointly with the Agricultural Scientific Research Institute in the future.

Work on the project "Using Maralfalfa plant in the field of non-traditional feeding" is ongoingWork on the project "Using Maralfalfa plant in the field of non-traditional feeding" is ongoingWork on the project "Using Maralfalfa plant in the field of non-traditional feeding" is ongoingWork on the project "Using Maralfalfa plant in the field of non-traditional feeding" is ongoingWork on the project "Using Maralfalfa plant in the field of non-traditional feeding" is ongoingWork on the project "Using Maralfalfa plant in the field of non-traditional feeding" is ongoingWork on the project "Using Maralfalfa plant in the field of non-traditional feeding" is ongoingWork on the project "Using Maralfalfa plant in the field of non-traditional feeding" is ongoing