FAO employees visited SRIAH

FAO employees visited SRIAH

Bruna Alves, an international expert on a visit to Azerbaijan as part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) project "Improving the breed composition of breeding cattle in Azerbaijan and developing cattle breeding through the creation of efficient feeding systems" visited the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry.
In the first quarter of the current year, the project called "Embryo Transfer Center in Azerbaijan" prepared by the specialists of SRIAH was prepared and presented to the Ministry of Agriculture, and it was decided to work on the project jointly with FAO as a donor organization. Work on the project "Embryos of cattle" was started at SRIAH. a national standard was prepared and sent to the State Agency for Standardization, Metrology and Patents of the Republic of Azerbaijan, at the same time, scientific articles on this topic were prepared and published in local and international journals.
Within the framework of the meeting, there was a mutual exchange of views on the project. Director of the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry, Doctor of Philosophy in Agrarian Sciences, Associate Professor Mahir Hajiyev said that "Azerbaijan has declared agriculture as one of the priority areas of development, and the government encourages investment in agriculture and animal husbandry. In 2016, the government of Azerbaijan prepared a Strategic Road Map "on the production and processing of agricultural products in the Republic of Azerbaijan" with 9 strategic goals to create a favorable environment for food production and e-mail. The document focuses on improving the quality of scientific provision and education in the field of agriculture and developing the system of advisory and information services, developing market infrastructure and applying mechanisms for sustainable use of natural resources.
In order to ensure high-quality meat and dairy products, efforts are being made to increase the quality of livestock products and improve the breed composition of breeding cattle. To achieve this important goal, animal feeding, mating and housing practices must be improved."
It should be noted that within the framework of the project developed by SRIAH, cooperation agreements on the organization of "Specialist training" courses have already been concluded with Embryo transfer centers located in Turkey, Israel, and Belarus. It is planned to send several specialists to the mentioned countries to take courses in the next stages of the project.
Mrs. Bruna Alves stated that she was satisfied with getting to know the modern laboratories and farms of HETI, noted that there are all the conditions for the establishment of an embryo transfer center here, and she positively evaluated the work done within the project.

FAO employees visited SRIAHFAO employees visited SRIAHFAO employees visited SRIAHFAO employees visited SRIAHFAO employees visited SRIAHFAO employees visited SRIAH