38th International scientific-practical conference "Russian science in the modern world"

38th International scientific-practical conference "Russian science in the modern world"

Employees of the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan participated in the 38th International scientific-practical conference "Russian science in the modern world" organized by the Russian Federation relevance scientific publishing center, Penza State University and Moscow State University. At the conference, the employees of the SRIAH's "Cocobweb" laboratory, Musayeva Safa Rza gizi and Huseynova Rasima Rasim gizi, spoke on the topic "Effect of medicinal preparations on pebrine disease of mulberry silkworm".
At the end, the works presented were evaluated by the organizing committee and awarded with a Diploma.

38th International scientific-practical conference "Russian science in the modern world"