A cooperation agreement was signed between the Institute of Microbiology and the Animal Husbandry Research Institute

A cooperation agreement was signed between the Institute of Microbiology and the Animal Husbandry Research Institute

Panah Muradov, acting director of the Institute of Microbiology (MB) of ANAS, corresponding member of ANAS, met with Mahir Hajiyev, director of the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry (HETI) of the Ministry of Agriculture, doctor of philosophy in agricultural sciences, associate professor.
The main purpose of the event was the signing of a cooperation agreement in the field of personnel training and scientific research between the institutes. At the meeting, M. Hajiyev got acquainted with the laboratories and discussed the joint work. The terms of the agreement included the identification, agreement and scientific supervision of doctoral students and doctoral students of the Institute of Higher Education and Research, and the implementation of coordinated joint scientific-research works on topics and innovations of mutual interest in the relevant fields of biology and agricultural sciences.
The achievements obtained from the joint scientific researches include the creation of demonstration areas based on the organization of both sides, visits to experimental areas, preparation of important economically important proposals and their application in production, and achieving high productivity and relevant quality indicators in the agricultural field, purchasing disease-resistant plant varieties, is to ensure the development and implementation of a comprehensive program of countermeasures.
At the end of the meeting, the director of the Institute of Microbiology, v.i.e., corresponding member of ANAS, Panah Muradov, and the director of the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry of the Ministry of Agriculture, Doctor of Philosophy in Agrarian Sciences, associate professor Mahir Hajiyev signed an agreement on cooperation for the purpose of conducting scientific research.

A cooperation agreement was signed between the Institute of Microbiology and the Animal Husbandry Research Institute