How to organize a fetal company in sheep farming?

How to organize a fetal company in sheep farming?

Due to the geographical climatic conditions of the Republic of Azerbaijan, lambing is divided into early and spring lambing. Early hatching takes place in January-February, and spring hatching takes place in March-April.

Two days before giving birth, the ewe is transferred to the maternity ward. Compared to the general department, it is more prepared, clean, bright and warm. The approach of childbirth is observed by the swelling of the udder of the sheep, filled with milk. Delivery usually takes 30 minutes. If the birthing mother does not let the cub near, that is, she does not take it, then the mother and the cub are kept in a cramped place for 3-4 days so that the mother licks the cub and gets used to it.

The mother should lick the newborn lamb and dry its skin. When the mother licks the lamb, it gets used to it quickly and recognizes it easily. The lamb of a mother with low milk or twins is left under another dairy sheep or given milk replacer fluids.

A winter fetus has a number of advantages over a spring fetus. This includes the following. Winter breeding is economically more efficient. The lambs born from such ewes are fully developed and grow rapidly, making good use of the next pasture season (at the age of 2.5-3.5 months). In the fall, they gain weight and go to winter with a high degree of fatness. Lambs born in fall lambs are also sheared more wool than lambs born in spring lambs. It should also be noted that the winter lambing farms should have warm and comfortable beds for lambing, and they should be provided with feed and inventory in time.

Since spring calving falls on the beginning of the grazing season, it is not necessary to have warm beds at this time. One of the disadvantages of spring weather is that the weather in early spring is not stable and often changes. This causes the young lambs to get sick. In autumn, such lambs are small and thin, and they spend the winter badly.

• It is necessary to try so that the sheep have a good fatness level and this condition is maintained until birth. Because the normal development of the fetus depends on the normal fatness of the mother.
• For this, enough good quality coarse, juicy, strong and other fodder should be prepared and supplied for each Bosphorus sheep flock, so that these animals are provided with full value fodder at that time.
• Along with feed preparation, sheep beds should be repaired and disinfected and provided with necessary equipment.
• Veterinary supplies, medicines, etc. for the herd. equipment should be brought, shepherds should be given special instructions. Additional workers should be hired so that the fetus passes with good quality.
• 20-30 days before birth, the wool of bosphorus sheep should be carefully shaved around the tail and the area of the udder.