The Animal Husbandry Research Institute and the French company will conduct joint research in the field of animal husbandry

The Animal Husbandry Research Institute and the French company will conduct joint research in the field of animal husbandry

A memorandum of understanding was signed between the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and the Center for Agrarian Science and Innovation and the "Auriva Elevage" cooperative of the French Republic on cooperation in the fields of personnel training and conducting joint research. The memorandum was signed by the director of the institute, Mahir Hajiyev, and the executive manager of the cooperative, Cyril Josse.

According to the document, the employees of the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry will study the French experience in the field of animal husbandry potential, effective use of pastures and productive fodder plants, and explore the possibilities of application in our country. In addition, the possibilities of importing productive breeds from France for the development of goat breeding in Azerbaijan will be studied, the adaptation of high-yielding breeds in the mountainous, low-mountainous and plain areas of Azerbaijan will be studied, and at the same time, the implementation of national and regional projects in priority areas will be ensured.

Also, the memorandum envisages publication of results of joint research in the field of primary and final processing of livestock products between the institute and the cooperative, demonstration of achievements, organization of mutual visits for scientific purposes.

"This cooperation will allow us to establish continuous cooperation on the creation of local hybrids in animal husbandry, to apply embryo transfer technology in Azerbaijan, and to train qualified personnel in this field. Our future action plans include the provision of methodical assistance and training for farmers in the field of serological, molecular diagnostics and recognition of animal diseases (viruses, bacteria, etc.). "We will share the innovation-oriented methods of primary scientific innovations and researches, and we will take the initiative to include such researches and innovations in educational plans," said Mahir Hajiyev.