Another Agricultural Business Festival was held in Xizi

Another Agricultural Business Festival was held in Xizi

On June 28, 2024, another Agricultural Business Festival was held in Xizi district. Organized by the Ministry of Agriculture's Agricultural Innovation Center, farmers from many regions across the republic participated in the festival.

During the event, the Agricultural Research Institute showcased "Flow Hive" type modern bee hives, the non-traditional fodder plant "Maralfalfa," biohumus (vermicompost), informative brochures, recommendations, training materials, and books, highlighting services offered to farmers.

The festival featured agricultural machinery and equipment based on innovative solutions, showcasing modern technologies. Products from companies specializing in agricultural machinery, fertilizers, seeds, pharmaceuticals, and equipment, along with the latest achievements from the Ministry's Scientific Research Institutes, were also exhibited. Participants were informed about the activities of the Ministry's affiliated institutions.

Another Agricultural Business Festival was held in Xizi Another Agricultural Business Festival was held in Xizi