The mulberry nursery at the Fakhrali experimental base of SRIAH was inspected

The mulberry nursery at the Fakhrali experimental base of SRIAH was inspected

The development of sericulture depends significantly on strengthening its fodder base through productive and high-quality mulberry varieties and hybrids.
At the Fakhrali experimental base of SRIAH, seeds of different varieties were sown in May in order to develop hybrid planting and select forms for selection work. Currently, the mallets are in a normal state of development. In the field of sowing, agrotechnical care was taken for the tokhmagarians. At the end of the growing season, the productivity of the sedges will be studied.
In the future, the seedlings will be transferred to the nursery.

The mulberry nursery at the Fakhrali experimental base of SRIAH was inspectedThe mulberry nursery at the Fakhrali experimental base of SRIAH was inspected