A memorandum of cooperation was signed

A memorandum of cooperation was signed

A memorandum on cooperation with the "Karvizyon-T" company was signed with the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry.

The delegation led by the head of Karvizyon company Ozkan Saltyk visited the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry. During the meeting, the director of the Institute, Mahir Hajiyev, noted that analyzing the current state of animal husbandry in our republic and determining future development perspectives is the main activity of the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry. For this purpose, the study of international experience, the application of innovative and biotechnological methods, the improvement of the efficiency of product production and processing technologies, the preservation of the existing animal, bird, bee and mulberry silkworm gene pool, the creation of new types, lines, crosses, and the application of advanced technologies in the direction of competitive product production with the development of the scientific bases of industrial animal husbandry, fodder and feeding development, adaptation of productive breeds of animals, birds and bees brought from foreign countries to local conditions and study of their characteristics, set the goal of determining ways to solve the issues of correct regionalization of breeds. At the same time, the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry is always with the farmers operating in the livestock sector, serves them and conducts trainings and provides services according to the topics of their interest.
Nahid Aslansoy, executive director of the Karvizyon Training and Education Center, made a speech and stated that within the framework of cooperation with a number of state institutions, work was done in the direction of providing training in the field of agriculture and forming a base of local trainers. Azer Türk seed brand was formed from local seed varieties. Electronic platforms are being created so that farmers can get the innovations in the field of agriculture faster. Joint cooperation will be beneficial to accelerate the work to be done in the field of animal husbandry.
At the end, the guests were informed about the laboratories, material and technical base, farms and services provided to farmers of the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry.

A memorandum of cooperation was signedA memorandum of cooperation was signedA memorandum of cooperation was signedA memorandum of cooperation was signedA memorandum of cooperation was signedA memorandum of cooperation was signed