Various types of high-yielding coarse fodder plants were planted in the experimental field of the Beekeeping Center of SRİAH.

Various types of high-yielding coarse fodder plants were planted in the experimental field of the Beekeeping Center of SRİAH.

Various types of high-yielding coarse fodder plants were planted in the experimental field of the Beekeeping Center of SRİAH. These plants include:
1. Napier grass
2. Red napier grass
3. Short napier
4. Mombasa Guinea
5. Pakchong 1
The main purpose of growing these forage plants is to experiment with adaptation to local conditions and to determine the type that positively affects the meat and milk yield of animals by specifying the laboratory analysis of its composition. After that, based on the results, it is planned to apply the determined effective plant species to large areas and give recommendations to farmers in the republic.

Various types of high-yielding coarse fodder plants were planted in the experimental field of the Beekeeping Center of SRİAH.Various types of high-yielding coarse fodder plants were planted in the experimental field of the Beekeeping Center of SRİAH.Various types of high-yielding coarse fodder plants were planted in the experimental field of the Beekeeping Center of SRİAH.Various types of high-yielding coarse fodder plants were planted in the experimental field of the Beekeeping Center of SRİAH.