A meeting was held with international consultants of FAO.

A meeting was held with international consultants of FAO.

Within the framework of the sheep farming project, work on the evaluation of the current situation in farms, preparation of technical and financial proposals for transition to semi-intensive and intensive farming systems is ongoing.
FAO international consultant John McCormack and local national consultants Vusal Abasov and Ilkin Abbasov visited the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry in the direction of "Increasing efficiency in the development of intensive sheep farming" as part of the "Creating and implementing a value chain for the sustainable development of sheep farming and food production" project. During the visit, they got acquainted with the existing material and technical base of the institute, laboratories and cattle and small-horned farms.
Later, there was an exchange of views.

A meeting was held with international consultants of FAO.A meeting was held with international consultants of FAO.A meeting was held with international consultants of FAO.A meeting was held with international consultants of FAO.A meeting was held with international consultants of FAO.A meeting was held with international consultants of FAO.