The World Animal Health Organization's Veterinary Services Performance Evaluation mission paid an official visit to our country.

The World Animal Health Organization's Veterinary Services Performance Evaluation mission paid an official visit to our country.

On May 9-21, 2022, the Performance Of Veterinary Services (PVS) assessment mission of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) paid an official visit to our country. During the visit, all veterinary systems of the country were evaluated.
Within the framework of the mission, the evaluation team, along with the employees of the Agency at both national and regional levels, employees of the Ministries of Agriculture, Health, Ecology and Natural Resources, production, processing, sale and storage of animals, animal products and raw materials, veterinary educational institutions, scientific- research institutes, large and small farms were also visited.
It should be noted that the assessment team also visited the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan within the said visit.

The World Animal Health Organization's Veterinary Services Performance Evaluation mission paid an official visit to our country.The World Animal Health Organization's Veterinary Services Performance Evaluation mission paid an official visit to our country.The World Animal Health Organization's Veterinary Services Performance Evaluation mission paid an official visit to our country.