Within the framework of the "Caspian Agro 2022" exhibition, discussions were held on "The impact of climate change on agriculture"

Within the framework of the "Caspian Agro 2022" exhibition, discussions were held on "The impact of climate change on agriculture"

A panel session on "Impact of climate change on agriculture" was held within the "Caspian Agro 2022" exhibition.

The session was attended by Firuddin Taghiyev, head of the Department of Land Use Control of the Ministry of Agriculture, Elmar Allahverdiyev, director of the Horticultural Science-Research Institute, Faig Khudayev, director of the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry, Mahir Hajiyev, director of the Livestock Science-Research Institute, and Umayra Taghiyeva, head of the National Hydrometeorology Service of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources. made a presentation on the topic.

It was stated that climate change creates new challenges for the agricultural sector. The application of new technologies and digital solutions allows to minimize the effects of climate change, sustainable and correct use of land and water resources. Those who spoke at the event emphasized the importance of ensuring sustainable development by creating a sustainable agricultural system in line with new challenges, increasing productivity by protecting the environment, expanding the application of scientific innovations, innovation and digital solutions in the agricultural field.

Local experts shared their views in the discussion on land protection, biodiversity protection, prevention of soil pollution, efficient use of water resources, promotion of proper use of fertilizers and establishment of effective land management.

In the panel sessions, opinions were exchanged on the topics, experts answered the questions of the participants.

Within the framework of the "Caspian Agro 2022" exhibition, discussions were held on "The impact of climate change on agriculture"Within the framework of the "Caspian Agro 2022" exhibition, discussions were held on "The impact of climate change on agriculture"