An online training was held on the topic "Combating mulberry silkworm yellowness and blackworm diseases".

An online training was held on the topic "Combating mulberry silkworm yellowness and blackworm diseases".

In accordance with the training plan of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, on 12.04.2022, Rasima Huseynova, an employee of the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry, conducted an online training for farmers on the topic "Combating mulberry silkworm yellowness and blackworm diseases". A total of 28 district DAIM participated in the training. During the training, rich slide material was shown and questions of interest to the training participants were clarified.

An online training was held on the topic "Combating mulberry silkworm yellowness and blackworm diseases".An online training was held on the topic "Combating mulberry silkworm yellowness and blackworm diseases".An online training was held on the topic "Combating mulberry silkworm yellowness and blackworm diseases".