The cocoon subsidy and the purchase price of wet cocoons from farmers have been increased.

The cocoon subsidy and the purchase price of wet cocoons from farmers have been increased.

A republican meeting on the topic "Barama-2022: tasks ahead" was held in Gakh district.

A republican meeting on "Barama-2022: Ahead tasks" was held in Gakh district. At the meeting held at the Heydar Aliyev Center, representatives of the Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, officials of the executive power structures of various regions, representatives of "Azerbaijan Industrial Corporation" OJSC, heads of subordinate institutions of the ministry and State Agrarian Development Centers, representatives of Scientific and Research Institutes, engaged in cocoon production About 50 farmers participated.

Musa Shakiliyev, the head of the Gakh District Executive Power, who opened the meeting with his opening speech, said that in Azerbaijan, which won a historic victory in the Patriotic War, large investment projects have been prepared and are being successfully implemented for the further development of the economy in a short period of time. As a result of state support for the development of the agricultural sector, which is one of the main areas of the country's economy, and the implementation of successive measures in this regard, production in various areas of agriculture is increasing: "As a result of the attention and care of the state, the increase in productivity in this area contributes to the country's economy, increases the income of farms, and improves the financial well-being of farmers. led to".

Speaking at the meeting, Minister of Agriculture Inam Karimov noted that the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev announced the development of the agricultural sector as a priority direction: "Azerbaijan has rich historical traditions and great potential of cocooning and sericulture. Development of this area is one of the main tasks before us. Our main goal is to restore this tradition and further increase productivity in this field. In our country, multi-faceted state support measures are implemented for farmers engaged in cocoon production. According to the Decree signed by Mr. President, the amount of subsidy for each kilogram of fresh cocoons handed over to supply points this year has been increased by 1 manat to 6 manats. In addition, based on the request of the Ministry of Agriculture, "Azeripak" LLC increased the price of the delivered cocoon from 4 manats to 5 manats. With this, in the current season, farmers will receive not 9 but 11 manats for each kilogram of fresh cocoons they supply.

The minister informed the farmers about preparations for the cocooning season this year and upcoming tasks, cocooning development, goals and prospects, as well as the work done in the direction of agricultural development and upcoming tasks.

Later, at the meeting, the heads of the Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, relevant structures, members of the Cocoon Council, farmers from different regions shared their views on the development of cocooning in the country. At the meeting, ideas were exchanged on the issues of providing mulberry seedlings, development directions of hybrid silkworm seed breeding, organizing incubation, creating modular aquariums, the questions of aquarium farmers were answered, and the proposed proposals were recorded.

At the end of the discussions, it was said that the meetings in this format will be continued, and the farmers will be informed about the work done in order to solve the raised issues.

At the meeting, the farmers who achieved high productivity in cocooning last season were presented with the Certificate of Honor and letters of thanks to the State Agrarian Development Centers.

The cocoon subsidy and the purchase price of wet cocoons from farmers have been increased.The cocoon subsidy and the purchase price of wet cocoons from farmers have been increased.