Importance of early detection of goiter in sheep

Importance of early detection of goiter in sheep

In order to prevent sterility, early detection of goiter in sheep plays an important role. Before the start of the mating season, "Draminski" ultrasound device is used to check the presence of throat in sheep. Sick and sterile animals are identified and treated. Sheep that cannot be cured and have lost the ability to fertilize are selected, fattened and sold for meat. Healthy and ready-to-mating animals are selected and mating is carried out by adding rams to the selected groups in the ratio of 1:20. In this way, it is possible to raise healthy sheep in the herd and to have a high calving ability. Adopted puppies are born healthy, grow quickly, gain high weight and can show the potential power of their breed at the maximum level.
Note: On February 14, 2022, the throats of small-horned animals kept in the Auxiliary Experimental Farm of HETI were examined. In addition, we inform the farm owners that the above-mentioned service is provided by the specialists of the institute. Those who want to use the service can apply to the institute.

Importance of early detection of goiter in sheepImportance of early detection of goiter in sheepImportance of early detection of goiter in sheep