Employees of the International Committee of the Red Cross visited SRIAH

Employees of the International Committee of the Red Cross visited SRIAH

On 14.12.2021, the employees of the Azerbaijan representative office of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Angel Luiz Vazquez and Rauf Aliyev visited the Livestock Scientific Research Institute. During the visit, the guests were given extensive information about the institute's work and applied innovations. They were also shown a hydroponic green fodder production container donated by the ICRC to the institute, as well as animals from the auxiliary experimental farm of the institute.

Employees of the International Committee of the Red Cross visited SRIAHEmployees of the International Committee of the Red Cross visited SRIAHEmployees of the International Committee of the Red Cross visited SRIAHEmployees of the International Committee of the Red Cross visited SRIAHEmployees of the International Committee of the Red Cross visited SRIAH