The training was held on the topic "Formulation of feed norms for the winter period of cattle"

The training was held on the topic "Formulation of feed norms for the winter period of cattle"

In accordance with the training program of the Ministry of Agriculture, on December 9, 2021, Rashad Maharramov, a senior researcher of the "Breeding, product processing, production and marketing" department of the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry, gave a lecture "For the winter period of cattle" for DAIM representatives, farmers and entrepreneurs. Training was held on the topic "compilation of feed norms". The participants of the training were informed about the preparation of correct feed norms, rules, types of feeds, the difference between spring and winter feeding, modern feeding methods, world experience in this field, etc. they were given extensive information and the questions they were interested in were clarified.

The training was held on the topic "Formulation of feed norms for the winter period of cattle"The training was held on the topic "Formulation of feed norms for the winter period of cattle"