Students of "Food engineering and expertise of consumer goods" specialty of ASAU visited SRIAH

Students of "Food engineering and expertise of consumer goods" specialty of ASAU visited SRIAH

ASAU students of "Food products engineering and expertise of consumer goods" specialty under the guidance of assistant professor Aynur Mammadova and assistant Shafiga Mushteidzadeh at the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry learned the technology of processing and production of livestock products from high-yielding breed animals, the production of finished products using modern physico-chemical express methods in laboratory conditions. have gained experience by being closely familiar with quality assessment processes.

Students of "Food engineering and expertise of consumer goods" specialty of ASAU visited SRIAHStudents of "Food engineering and expertise of consumer goods" specialty of ASAU visited SRIAHStudents of "Food engineering and expertise of consumer goods" specialty of ASAU visited SRIAHStudents of "Food engineering and expertise of consumer goods" specialty of ASAU visited SRIAHStudents of "Food engineering and expertise of consumer goods" specialty of ASAU visited SRIAHStudents of "Food engineering and expertise of consumer goods" specialty of ASAU visited SRIAHStudents of "Food engineering and expertise of consumer goods" specialty of ASAU visited SRIAHStudents of "Food engineering and expertise of consumer goods" specialty of ASAU visited SRIAHStudents of "Food engineering and expertise of consumer goods" specialty of ASAU visited SRIAHStudents of "Food engineering and expertise of consumer goods" specialty of ASAU visited SRIAHStudents of "Food engineering and expertise of consumer goods" specialty of ASAU visited SRIAH