"Feeding and feed analysis" laboratory

Our state pays special attention to the rapid development of animal husbandry in our republic, which creates the basis for the successful implementation of the food program. As in many fields, increasing productivity by applying intensive technologies, advanced nutrition and feeding in animal husbandry is one of the most important tasks facing agricultural science. The development of this area depends on its fodder base.

The laboratory offers the following services:
1. Agriculture products - cereals and legumes, scraps, silage, silage, etc. Spectroscopic determination of chemical and biological properties of feed additives used in livestock feeding and the main indicator of feed composition;
2. Determination of toxins and mycotoxins in all types of animal feed;
3. Determination of moisture in feeds and their raw materials "Kern";
4. Determination of pH in feeds;
5. Determination of the amount of fat in different types of feed;
6. Determination of total nitrogen in different types of fodder by smear method;
7. Determination of cellulose in different types of feed;
8. Microscopic examinations;
9. Determination of dry matter in different feed and feed additives.
At present, the laboratory is conducting analysis of fodder brought from farms and entrepreneurs. So, by analyzing the amount of micro and macro elements in the feed, the farmers will know what feed to give and how much, which will allow them to achieve high productivity.
Under natural conditions, after the vegetation period of plants is over, animals are fed mainly with coarse and juicy fodder. This leads to the deficiency of a number of vitamins in animals. It is possible to overcome this deficiency by giving green fodder made from cereals (barley, wheat, corn) to the animals using the hydroponic system. Soilless farming or Hydroponic agriculture is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions in water without the use of soil. By using this method, farmers will be able to provide their animals with fresh, nutritious green feed 365 days a year.
For this purpose, testing works are carried out by the employees of the "Feeding, fodder and feed additives analysis" laboratory in the device-container developed and put into use by "IDRAK Technological Transfer" LLC. The green fodder grown here is given to large and small animals, rabbits kept in the AEF of the institute.
Within the framework of the measures taken to develop the non-oil sector in our republic, the restoration of sericulture based on ancient traditions has been identified as one of the priority areas of agriculture. Therefore, for the restoration and development of sericulture in the full sense, along with all scientific and organizational measures, it is first necessary to ensure the restoration and development of the fodder base, i.e. mulberry farming. Scientific research work is also being carried out by the laboratory staff in the direction of selection and protection of the gene pool of mulberry trees.
In addition to the above, booklets and recommendations are written, articles are published in various magazines, and trainings are conducted in accordance with the scientific-research works conducted by the employees of the laboratory.

Employees of the laboratory
1. Suleymanov Zohrab Mukhtar oghlu - Head of the laboratory
2. Maharramova Vafa Ibrahim gizi - Senior researcher
3. Abdulazimov Yusif Hilal oghlu - Researcher
4. Hasanova Gulyana Latif gizi - Technician
5. Hasanova Mehriban Ajdar gizi - Senior laboratory assistant
6. Abdullayeva Shabnam Isa gizi - Laboratory assistant